Integrated and distributed combination system up to 1GHz for CATV and broadband companies.
RF Signal Management / Headend Product
- Integrated forward and return path combining equipment.
- Modular headend amplifier system.
- Modular amplifier/redundant RF switch.
- Modular passive splitter/combiner networks.
- L-Band passives for the 950 — 2150MHz spectrum.
Test Equipment
- CW carrier signal generators
- Signal level meters
- Precision and Mis-match 75 Ohm terminators
- Noise generator
- Noise Generator with return loss bridge
- Fiber Optic Light Source devices
- Optical Power Meters
- Coming soon…LCD TV Test Set Package and
- Other technician friendly test equipment.

Provides a full line of power products including: standby, no standby and uninterruptible power supplies, surge suppressors, enclosures, batteries and powering accessories.
- Backup Power Supplies for CATV applications
- Emergency Power Inverters
- UPS Systems
- Battery Monitoring Systems
- Enclosures (Ground, Pole & Customs)
- Batteries
- DOCSIS Transponders